Thursday, February 12, 2009

ira made my day

Yesterday, I got to go see and hear ira glass speak at BORDERS in DC. I went with my housemate Rachel and we bonded over our shared appreciation of ira's witty sense of humor, delightful appreciation of life, and brilliant ability to tell stories and capture your imagination and attention.

We arrived an hour and a half early to secure a good seat. As we waited expectantly with the other early-comers I thought about how odd it was. In some ways it made me feel guilty, being a fan of ira glass represents something about my level of education and life experience. As the crowd grew it looke very college-educated, white and young. I guess it doesn't matter.

I love hearing ira talk about telling stories, about people, and just about life in general. He is an optimist and yet, he doesn't particularly shy away from the gloomy and darker sides of life. I like that. I guess that is why I love This American Life. It just shows how you can be intensley amused by the most random people and events, you can be reflective about most things that happen to you, and best of all it all shines a type of hopeful light on life.

The last time I was so excited to see a "famous person" was when I got to meet Ishmael Beah. Some of you will remember that...


Anonymous said...

I feel strange about posting this, but perhaps Hannah or someone else can help me out. I know that Ira is married and wears a wedding ring, but did anyone else at the talk hear him say "his boyfriend" and he are behind on the seasons of one of the tv shows they watch? He then later started talking about his wife. I was so confused when he said this because my boyfriend, who was also there, and I have been wondering about his sexuality for a while. Could someone help us out? Maybe we just misheard or perhaps he is bi and is i an open marriage? At the end of the day, obviously it does not matter one bit, but we are just confused. Thanks!

Hannah said...

You know? I did hear Ira say something about his "boyfriend" and then at the same time he is most definitely married. It was kind of odd. But, I don't really know the details of his sexuality. Sorry!

live the questions now... R.M. Rilke