Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to talk to someone who immediately encouraged me with his sense of compassion and willingness to help those around him. He made a point of saying "if you see a problem, why don't you try to figure out a way to fix it as opposed to just complaining about it".

He runs a voluntary literacy program for Spanish speaking people in this community. It is surprising how many people (even today) don't know how to read and write. It breaks my heart. Reading and writing are two of my favorite things to do. Books can be like comforting, good friends.

Anyway, I was learning about the literacy program, how it started, how many classes they have now, and how I might be able to participate and help.

I've been thinking a lot recently about how much I enjoy both the work of researching/writing and the work that involves practically serving/teaching people. I hope that those two things are always a part of my life.

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live the questions now... R.M. Rilke