Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jorge Drexler

Last night, we got the rare pleasure of going to Jorge Drexler's concert here in Panama.  One of those musically delightful, intimate, and inspiring concerts that truly soothe the soul.  Jorge Drexler is a  creative poet and musician.  He has a dry sense of humor and really connects with the audience, as he plays and talks as if you were in your living room and makes you feel as if you were one of his good friends.

He came to Panama a year and a half ago, so he returned to Panama sooner than he would usually return to a country --but I guess something made him want to come back!  The concert had a quieter tone this time, but he played more songs.  He just went on and on without a pre-determined set of songs.  It was so good!  I left the concert feeling refreshed, excited, and hopeful.  I have missed going to this type of concert here in Panama, but when you get to go to a concert like this one --it kind of makes up for it!

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live the questions now... R.M. Rilke